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中文名称: 鹿豹星座
英文名称: Space Giraffe
游戏类型: STG 射击游戏
资源格式: 压缩包
版本: 完整硬盘版
发行时间: 2008年
制作发行: Llamasoft
地区: 美国
语言: 英文

This is more than just a copy of the Xbox 360 game! In the intervening time the development of the Neon engine has continued, and we now have a lovely new shader library. These new shaders have been used to create a NUXX mix of Space Giraffe which is at once much nicer-looking than the original, and alsoless intensely psychedelic (one criticism of SG 360 was that some of the effects were *too* intense; accordingly the new mix is beautiful and abstract without being quite so overwhelming

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