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👧 晨曦丶

【Game For Two】- Jason Chen

本贴由: 中华游戏网 会员: 晨曦丶 发表于: 2012-11-17 03:44 共8803人围观 4人回复

Game For Tow

From the moment you walked into my life,
Everything felt so right.
From the moment I looked into your eyes,
I knew I had to make you mine.
Girl you had me hooked on your love but it was all a game to you.
You drove a stake right through to my heart,
and left me bleeding for your love.
I tried everything to prove I loved you,
Gave my all to make all of your dreams come true.
But I'm no longer blinded by your lies,
I know your heart was never mine.
Why am I the solo player (in this game for two)
I'm the solo player (my love was never true)
I want the solo player (in this game for two)
I can be the solo player (love is a game for two)
I saw the look at your smile and it makes me feel,
Everything will be all right (Oh yeah)
It's like I'm still in love with you,
Or maybe I'm just a fool.
Girl you had me hooked on your love but it was all a game to you.
Oh you drove a stake right through to my heart,
But I will bleed for you no more.
I tried everything to prove I loved you,
Gave my all to make all of your dreams come true.
But I'm not longer blinded by your lies,
I know your heart was never mine.
Why am I the solo player (in this game for two)
I'm the solo player (my love was never true)
I want the solo player (in this game for two)
I can be the solo player (love is a game for two)
It doesn't matter how much I loved you,
Or how much I cared.
Even if you come crawling back girl,
Next time I won't be there.
I'm prepared to leave it all behind,
Oh no, you were never mine.
And even though it breaks my heart,
Girl I got to let you go.
I tried everything to prove I loved you,
Gave my all to make all of your dreams come true.
But I'm not longer blinded by your lies,
I know your heart was never mine
Why am I the solo player (in this game for two)
I'm the solo player (my love was never true)
I want the solo player (in this game for two)
I can be the solo player (love is a game for two)
Why am I the solo player (in this game for two)
I'm the solo player (my love was never true)
I want the solo player (in this game for two)
I can be the solo player (love is a game for two)
Why am I the solo player?
I can be the solo player
[ 此帖被晨曦丶在2013-05-16 16:05重新编辑 ]
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