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👹 hary7765322

Nice to meet you

中华游戏网 cnyouw写于:中华游戏网-CNYOUW 👹会员:hary7765322 🕘时间:2011-09-12 21:50 👀围观:5243人 💬回复:0
🔔 管理提醒: 本帖被 白雾言行 执行锁定操作(2011-09-13)
  • 用户名:harry7765322
  • 性别:
  • 年龄:6年
  • 省份:河南
  • 联系方式:379262815
  • 你喜欢做的事情: I like to paint outdoors, experience nature's charm
  • 如何来到此论坛: Admiring
  • 对论坛第一印象: Beautiful
                         I was born in Zhengzhou, beautiful, and have a birthday I was 13 years old, is now able to work independently of the students. I have my introverted, very quiet. So I have a hobby is reading, especially some of the world mystery, the mystery of the natural science aspects of my very favorite. I like to paint outdoors, experience the charm of nature; my favorite is painting the sea, and behavior that I revel surging waves. This is an introvert, I love reading, I hope you like it, thank you. :9`T.V<?  
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