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主题:【Craigie Hill】-------Cara Dillon
时间:2011-03-08 22:37

歌手简介:Cara Dillon(卡拉·狄龙/卡兰·迪伦),爱尔兰民谣歌手,1975年7月21日出生于北爱尔兰Londonderry(伦敦德里)(北爱尔兰西北部一自治社区,位于贝尔法斯特市西北)的Dungiven。 她来自一个爱尔兰传统音乐世家。 她的声音清透美丽而极具风格,借鉴引入了多个民族音乐特有的元素,,并融入自己天然的个性和感染力

或许是感觉中的意境太美好,发现这首歌也让我感动的无法自拔,于是一种感慨犹然而生,她无疑也是其中的一个清新纯美带空灵的嗓音,配上同样的曲风让这首歌曲深深的印在了我的心里,习惯在每个夜深人静的时刻静静的聆听。 在歌曲中叙述一则美妙的故事。正如两个相爱的人,不能时刻在一起。仿佛自己成了曲中的主角。相信距离不代表分离。随着歌词娓娓的到来让我们仿佛在躺在爱尔兰广袤、


Craigie Hill
It being in the springtime
and the small birds they were singing,
 Down by yon shady harbour I carelessly did stray,
The the thrushes they were warbling, The violets they were charming
To view fond lovers talking, a while I did delay.
She said, my dear don't leave me
all for another season,
Though fortune does be pleasing I 'll go along with you,
 I 'll forsake friends and relations and bid this Irish nation,
 And to the bonny Bann banks forever I 'll bid adieu.
He said, my dear don't grieve or yet annoy my patience,
 You know I love you dearly the more I'm going away,
I'm going to a foreign nation to purchase a plantation,
To comfort us hereafter all in Amerika y.
Then after a short while a fortune does be pleasing,
 T'will cause them for smile at our late going away,
 We'll be happy as Queen Victoria, all in her greatest glory,
We'll be drinking wine and porter all in Amerika y.
 If you were in your bed lying and thinking on dying,
 The sight of the lovely Bann banks, your sorrow you'd give o'er,
Or if were down one hour, down in yon shady bower,
 Pleasure would surround you, you'd think on death no more.
Then fare you well, sweet Cragie Hills, where often times I've roved,
 I never thought my childhood days I 'd part you any more,
 Now we're sailing on the ocean for honour and promotion
And the bonny boats are sailing, way down by Doorin shore.
小鸟儿们在歌唱 沿着远处婆娑的海港,
我不经意间竟迷失了方向 画眉鸟柔和的唱着歌,
还有那娇媚的紫罗兰竞相开放 看着多情的恋人们低语,
我会放弃亲友放弃爱尔兰民族的祝愿 我对神发誓,
他说,亲爱的请不要悲伤,否则会困扰我的耐心 你要知道即使离开,
我只会更强烈地爱你 我要去一个遥远的国度,去寻觅一片土地
来抚平灾难给我们带来的所有创伤 不久以后当一切都已经平息
我将让所有人都因我们这次离别而幸福 我们将像维多利亚女皇一样快乐,
有着她最伟大的荣耀 我们要在这废墟上品尝美酒佳肴
如果你躺在床上正思考着死亡 爱之神的目光,
将你的忧伤带到我身旁 或许瞬间就会降临,降临在那幽暗的凉亭 快乐将围绕着你,
你将不会再想到死亡 所以永别了吧,我可爱的克雷吉山峦,我曾漫游数次的地方
我以为从我孩童时期起就不会再和你分开 而如今我们却航行在荣誉和重生的海洋里

1楼:芒果の沙拉(2011-03-09 00:34)

2楼:cleveraa(2011-03-11 13:12)


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