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主题:【not ready to make nice】-------南方小鸡
时间:2011-03-04 20:27


[pre]Forgive, sounds good. 宽恕其实是一种痛楚Forget, I'm not sure I could. 又不敢确定我能去淡忘They say time heals everything, 人们说时间能愈合一切But I'm still waiting. 我却还在痴痴等待I'm through, with doubt, 始终不敢去确信There's nothing left for me to figure out, 还剩下什么让我去捉摸I've paid a price, and i'll keep paying. 为何付出了代价仍旧要继续I'm not ready to make nice, 还没来得及粉饰优雅I'm not ready to back down, 还没来得及学会放弃I'm still mad as hell 我还痴狂一如过往And I don't have time 而我已经无暇自顾To go round and round and round 仅仅在原地转圈圈It's too late to make it right 爱太深哪来得及改I probably wouldn't if I could 力能所及,心更难听命Cause I'm mad as hell 只因为,我还痴狂一如过往Can't bring myself to do what it is You think I should 即使如你所愿,又怎能忍心勉强自己去选择那样的路I know you said 知道有什么你想要说Why can't you just get over it, 但为何你不能自己面对去淡忘It turned my whole world around 我的世界已经颠覆and I kind of like it 我却已爱上这几许I made by bed, and I sleep like a baby, 在床边像孩子一样入睡With no regrets and I don't mind saying, 不带一丝懊悔,也不介意这样去说It's a sad sad story 这是一个过度伤感的故事That a mother will teach her daughter 也许有个母亲会这样讲给她的女儿that she ought to hate a perfect stranger. 对那个完全陌生的人,她丝毫不感怨恨And how in the world 但实际上我该怎么Can the words that I said 去薖arty瞿茄幕坝颯end somebody so over the edge 能让远远角落里的人们That they'd write me a letter 也写给我一封信Saying that I better shut up and sing 告诉我停止絮叨而只是唱Or my life will be over 而另外的选择就是生命的尽头I'm not ready to make nice, 还没来得及粉饰优雅I'm not ready to back down, 还没来得及学会放弃I'm still mad as hell 我还痴狂一如过往And I don't have time 而我已经无暇自顾To go round and round and round 仅仅在原地转圈圈It's too late to make it right 爱太深哪来得及改I probably wouldn't if I could 力能所及,心更难听命Cause I'm mad as hell 只因为,我还痴狂一如过往Can't bring myself to do what it is You think I should 即使如你所愿,又怎能忍心勉强自己去选择那样的路I'm not ready to make nice, 还没来得及粉饰优雅I'm not ready to back down, 还没来得及学会放弃I'm still mad as hell 我还痴狂一如过往And I don't have time 而我已经无暇自顾To go round and round and round 仅仅在原地转圈圈It's too late to make it right 爱太深哪来得及改I probably wouldn't if I could 力能所及,心更难听命Cause I'm mad as hell 只因为,我还痴狂一如过往Can't bring myself to do what it is You think I should 即使如你所愿,又怎能忍心勉强自己去选择那样的路你认为对的路 Forgive, sounds good. 宽恕其实是一种痛楚Forget, I'm not sure I could. 又不敢确定我能去淡忘They say time heals everything, 人们说时间能愈合一切But I'm still waiting. 我却还在痴痴等待[/pre]

1楼:飞翔の卡米(2011-03-04 20:34)

2楼:cleveraa(2011-03-04 20:34)

3楼:cleveraa(2011-03-04 20:35)

4楼:情歌唱给谁听(2011-03-04 20:43)

5楼:芒果の沙拉(2011-03-05 00:46)

要说到这类音乐,我最爱的还是 泰勒。斯威夫特~格莱美也有好几个奖呢~
6楼:cleveraa(2011-03-05 09:08)


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