主题:Pink-Just Like APill 作者:芒果の沙拉 时间:2010-09-09 10:04 |
Pink-Just Like APill 粉红佳人(Pink),是美国一位著名女歌手,她曾经为《红磨坊》、《霹雳娇娃2》等影片演唱主题曲,是一个常有着惊世装扮,性感劲酷的新世代辣妹,虽然年纪轻轻,但已被媒体赞誉为“下一个麦当娜”。自信、率真、直言不讳的Pink就是这样一个中气十足的女生。她以自己重节奏Hip-Hop舞曲风格和桀骜不驯的性格深受美国青少年喜爱 Pink(p!nk) 粉红佳人 血型:A型 身高:5'4''/163cm 星座:处女座 婚姻状况:老公Carey Hart 音乐影响:麦当娜、惠妮休斯顿、比利乔、爸爸 最崇拜的歌星:惠妮休斯顿 麦当娜 比利·乔·阿姆斯特朗(Green Day主唱) 专辑里最喜欢的歌曲:《Split Personality(人格分裂)》 这位留着亮丽粉红色短发,一身酷炫装扮的新世代辣妹Pink,有着菲律宾的血统,却在法国尼斯举办的超级模特儿选秀表演会上,一鸣惊人而被唱片公司发掘,并成为新世代酷炫乐团TLC的师妹。不同的是,虽然有着类似的外表,但除了酷似TLC以重节奏的Hip-Hop舞曲为主外,Pink更唱出足以和Janet Jackson、Toni Braxton媲美的节奏蓝调情歌,尤其在转音和浑厚的嗓音运用上,也令人惊讶不已,是以让LaFace将其视为秘密武器。 虽然年纪轻轻才30岁,Pink却已被媒体赞誉为“下一个麦当娜”。纵然这个推论尚言之过早,但这位顶着粉红惊世发色的女歌手,确实已经撂下了“我要接收全世界,然后把它漆成粉红色”这样的豪语。自信、率真、直言不讳,Pink常说她的主要目的就是打破陈规。而身为一位在人才济济的节奏蓝调乐坛中打拼的白人女歌手,事实上她可说已经粉碎了这个主战场中既有的惯例了。 ′m lyin′ here on the floor where you left me 我就这样躺在地板上,一直躺在你丢下我的地方 I think I took too much 我想我做的和想的已经太多了 I′m crying here, what have you done? 我在这里哭泣,你到底明不明白你做了什么? I thought it would be fun 我曾经以为这样会快乐 I can′t stay on your life support, 我不能靠着你来生存there′s a shortage in the switch, 在某一刻我发现我生活中的某一个部分缺少了一点什么 I can′t stay on your morphine, 我不能依靠你想依靠毒品上瘾一样 cuz its making me itch 因为越是这样我越会抑制不住渴望 I said I tried to call the nurse again 我试着对护士这样说了一遍又一遍, but shes being a little bitch, 但她看起来如此愚蠢什么也做不了 I think I′ll get outta here, 我想我一定要离开这里 where I can Run just as fast as I can 去一个能自由疯狂的奔跑的地方 To the middle of nowhere 跑去不可能的地方 To the middle of my frustrated fears 跑去那让人无比失望的恐惧之中 And I swear you′re just like a pill 我发誓,你是唯一一个可以将我解救出来的人 Instead of makin′ me better, you keep makin′ me ill 但是你不能是我这种疯狂的感觉好转,你使我愈加深陷于你 You keep makin′ me ill 愈加深陷于你 I haven′t moved from the spot where you left me ill 我还是没有从你丢下我的地方爬起来,我依旧深陷于你 You keep makin′ me ill I haven′t moved from the spot where you left me This must be a bad trip 这种感觉一定是一场痛苦的旅程 All of the other pills, they were different 有很多种方法,我想从这种痛苦中脱离 Maybe I should get some help 也许我应该去寻找别的帮助 I can′t stay on your life support, there′s a shortage in the switch, I can′t stay on your morphine, cuz its making me itch I said I tried to call the nurse again but shes being a little bitch, I think I′ll get outta here, where I can Run just as fast as I can To the middle of nowhere To the middle of my frustrated fears And I swear you′re just like a pill Instead of makin′ me better, you keep makin′ me ill You keep makin′ me ill Run just as fast as I can To the middle of nowhere To the middle of my frustrated fears And I swear you′re just like a pill Instead of makin′ me better, you keep makin′ me ill You keep makin′ me ill I can′t stay on your life support, there′s a shortage in the switch, I can′t stay on your morphine, cuz its making me itch I said I tried to call the nurse again but shes being a little bitch, I think I′ll get outta here, where I can Run just as fast as I can To the middle of nowhere To the middle of my frustrated fears And I swear you′re just like a pill Instead of makin′ me better, you keep makin′ me ill You keep makin′ me ill 下载地址 |
1楼:飞翔の卡米(2010-09-09 18:51) |
先支持下在听 |
2楼:飞翔の卡米(2010-09-09 18:52) |
个人不喜欢 |
3楼:mamabra(2010-09-11 02:34) |
这mtv 拍的春光外泄 |