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主题:【My Sweet Leonore】-IRIDIO
时间:2010-09-08 18:38

IRIDIO--My Sweet Leonore

这支来自德国的IRIDIO组合,由成员Valentina和Franz组成。他们两人在童年时就对音乐有了兴趣并表现出来惊人的天赋,后来相差不到一年时间里,他们分别担任了两个乐队的重任:VALENTINA于1998年当上了 “Beholder” 重金属乐队的主唱; FRANZ在1997年成为了“ Louisiana Train”布鲁斯乐队的一名键盘手。且都举行了音乐会,参加过一些知名的音乐节。俗谚道:志不同道不合。在POP & DANCE 的共同认识的交集下,他们坠入了爱河,并在2002年组建了他们的“IRIDIO”,寓意为他们所有的音乐经历和尝试混合的结果。电子乐的飘渺.迷幻,再加上VALENTINA的声音,仿佛让人置身仙境!真的是一支非常有实力的组合!

My Sweet Leonore

She was born on a cold winter night
La la la la la la la la my sweet Leonore
She was whiter than snow from the sky
La la la la la la la la my sweet Leonore
She had crystal-like eyes and her beautiful hair
Was as light as the flight of a dove through the clouds
She had skin, she had lips, she had fingers as bright as a dawn
La la la la la la la la my sweet Leonore

On a high mountain top she was alone
La la la la la la la la my sweet Leonore
Then a young knight one day came up to her home
La la la la la la la la my sweet Leonore
She had crystal-like eyes and her beautiful hair
Was as light as the flight of a dove through the clouds
She had skin, she had lips, she had fingers as bright as a dawn
La la la la la la la la my sweet Leonore

Soon the man fell in love with the girl
La la la la la la la la my sweet Leonore
When he kissed her she melt down like the snow
La la la la la la la la my sweet Leonore

She had crystal-like eyes and her beautiful hair
Was as light as the flight of a dove through the clouds
She had skin, she had lips, she had fingers as bright as a dawn
La la la la la la la la my sweet Leonore

She had crystal-like eyes and her beautiful hair
Was as light as the flight of a dove through the clouds
She had skin, she had lips, she had fingers as bright as a dawn
La la la la la la la la my sweet Leonore


1楼:柒月染指╮(2010-09-08 18:54)

2楼:十方破沙羅(2010-09-08 19:01)



3楼:柒月染指╮(2010-09-08 19:03)

哈哈,十方要让莎莎当什么职位啊- -,
不过他好像只发帖,发完人就不知道去干嘛了- -

4楼:芒果の沙拉(2010-09-08 19:06)

晚点在说吧  她人还没下班  中午刚给的任务
5楼:男神呀(2010-09-08 19:06)


6楼:柒月染指╮(2010-09-08 19:08)

谢谢不客气- -
7楼:飞翔の卡米(2010-09-08 19:22)

8楼:芒果の沙拉(2010-09-08 19:33)

太晚就不是她上的了 是她哥 或者我上的  
9楼:柒月染指╮(2010-09-08 19:40)

那你是- -,、
10楼:芒果の沙拉(2010-09-08 19:43)

不一定  有时候她找好歌 编完等我发  有时候 我自己找歌发  或者她哥哥找歌曲发 没有准
11楼:柒月染指╮(2010-09-08 19:55)

好复杂啊- -,3面人格- -
12楼:mamabra(2010-09-09 00:44)

  说实话已经很累了  但是这歌听完了 原来以为只能听个开头  因为听着舒服   就是简单的舒服

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