主题:Keren Ann-end of may 作者:芒果の沙拉 时间:2010-09-08 09:33 |
Keren Ann-end of may Keren Ann,女歌手,原名Keren Ann Zeidel,1974年3月10日出生于以色列,主要在法国巴黎附近活动。她的前两张专辑完全以法语演唱,第三张是英文专辑,第四张则以法语和英语演唱。 Keren Ann 凯 Keren Ann 伦安 ——她的纯洁使长刺前的玫瑰无法长存 全名 Keren Ann Zeidel 生日:1974.3.10 星座:双鱼 出生于以色列的Keren Ann有着非常不寻常的身世,父亲为俄国以色列混血,母亲为荷兰爪哇混血,Keren Ann身上流着四种不同民族的血液。她于荷兰渡过童年,十一岁搬至巴黎定居,自此开始了歌手生涯。目前Keren Ann旅居于巴黎纽约两地,好似她分别用法语与英语演唱专辑里的歌曲。 关于香颂巨星Keren Ann,全球流传着不同版本:美国人说他们发现了一位以色列血统的Norah Jones;法国人称她为Francoise Hardy的接班人;中国人将她和台湾歌手陈绮贞归为同类。 对此,她无奈地笑了:“人们总爱比较。” Keren Ann是属于我的声音,她善良、单纯、渴望友谊和爱情,她一个人孤独地活着,却没有失去对美好的向往,她的玫瑰永远只在花苞里绽放,因为那才是最美和最安全的。 Close your eyes and roll a dice Under the board there is a compromise If after all we only live twice Which life is the runroad to paradise Do not say a word Here comes the break of the day In while clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of May Close your eyes and make a bet Faced to the glare of the sunset This is about as far as we get You have not seen me disguised yet Do not say a word Here comes the break of the day In while clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of May Close your eyes and make a wish Under the stone there is a stone-fish Hold your breath, then roll the dice It might be the runroad to paradise Do not say a word Here comes the break of the day In while clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end Do not say a word Here comes the break of the day In while clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of May |
1楼:柒月染指╮(2010-09-08 09:37) |
没上班啊这么早发 |
2楼:芒果の沙拉(2010-09-08 09:41) |
上班发贴两不误! |
3楼:飞翔の卡米(2010-09-08 18:13) |
先支持下在听 |
4楼:飞翔の卡米(2010-09-08 18:13) |
个人不喜欢~! |