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进入此贴详细完整版>> Love Song For  —Corrinne May  感受宁静的天空。。中华游戏网 > 音乐不断

主题:Love Song For  —Corrinne May  感受宁静的天空。。
时间:2010-09-07 09:41

Love Song For —Corrinne May

英文名:Corrinne May   原名:Corrinne Foo May Ying   中文名:符美云   出生地:新加坡   生日:1973年1月19日   介绍:   一个在新加坡出生却在异地的美国意外闯出名号,她感情丰沛的歌词,曾让许多离乡游子不禁地留下眼   泪;她温暖却清澈透明的歌声,抚慰了在都会中早已失去方向的现代人;她浑然天成的创作才华更感动了民谣之母Carole King及超级制作人Babyface,她就是Corrinne May。中文名符美云。在新加坡出生,之后在1996年进入美国波士顿柏克利音乐学院就读,Corrinne May在求学期间就曾以优异的创作才华而连续两年获得校内的歌曲创作演唱大赏。毕业后就移居洛杉矶,专职音乐的创作,Corrinne除了为当地的电视台做一些连续剧的配乐工作外,也定期在Live House中演出为自己累积人气。   不过真正让Corrinne May在美国发光发亮的,则是参加了由超级制作人Babyface及戴维佛斯特发起的网络歌曲创作比赛的活动,并得到了优胜的头衔。而也因为这个契机,让Corrinne May认识了民谣之母Carole King,并促成了Corrinne May得以与Carole King共同创作的机会,才有了「If You Didn’t Love Me」这首歌曲的产生。   Corrinne May的才华不仅在美国受到肯定,在太平洋彼岸的亚洲,也以创作人的身份出现在不少的音乐专辑中。其中包括了蔡健雅演唱的「默契」、张韶涵演唱过的「Journey」,都是出自Corrinne之手。另外她的歌声也曾出现在由舒琪、莫文蔚以及赵薇所共同主演的电影「末路天使」中演唱电影主题曲「Close To You」。她还以优秀的文学基础结合东方特有的内敛情感,创作出首张全英文创作专辑《Fly Away》,以温暖的歌声和抒情的曲调,抚慰飘泊异乡游子的心灵。

In the twinkling stars that dance like fireflies
In the blushing fruit that hangs upon the vine
In the face of a baby as he forms his first smile
I see you

In the whisper of the wind's soft lullaby
In the laughter and the roar of the rushing tide
In the song of the sparrow as he takes his first flight
I hear you
Why do you hide among the nameless and forgotten
Why do you walk along these long forsaken roads
Calling to me in the hungry and the homeless
Calling me to water your thirst
So I'll give you my heart and my song
In a world where so much is right but so much is wrong
Your love is my beginning and I know it won't be too long
Till I see you

Why do you hide among the nameless and forgotten
Why do you walk along these long forsaken roads
Calling to me in the hungry and the homeless
Calling me to water your thirst

So I'll give you my heart and my song
In a world where so much is right but so much is wrong
Your love is my beginning and I know it won't be too long
Till I see you
I hear you
I love you


1楼:柒月染指╮(2010-09-07 09:50)

2楼:猪弟(2010-09-07 10:22)

3楼:柒月染指╮(2010-09-07 10:43)

亲你个头啊- -,
4楼:芒果の沙拉(2010-09-07 11:46)

5楼:柒月染指╮(2010-09-07 11:59)

6楼:飞翔の卡米(2010-09-07 13:44)

7楼:飞翔の卡米(2010-09-07 18:52)


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