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进入此贴详细完整版>> Snake四保一翻盘EDG后 欧美玩家这样评论中华游戏网 > 英雄联盟 LOL

主题:Snake四保一翻盘EDG后 欧美玩家这样评论
时间:2015-05-25 11:36

  Seriously why is a team comp like that allowed to exist? Even the casters said there's no counter play. Kog'maw theirs only damage? Kill the Kog'maw and you win the fight? Yeah well you can't. Literally, you have 5 man dive him and he will live. That's just dumb。
  KRYST4L mvp worlds 2015 heard it here first
  Krystal太强了,他已经是内定S5 MVP了。
  Snake did it! Wow what a great series! If this is not gonna be in Monte Countdown I dont know what will。
  The problem is that you cant usefully nerv it. Kogmaw itself isnt that powerful and shouldnt be nerfed, neither is Janna or Lulu. It just a clever synergy and its beatable. You just need to pick stronger early/midgame champs。
  People will know how to counter it, jugger'maw is something new and people are not used to, you need to approach that game differently。
  That's the beauty of league, when zed was completly op on mid lane (pre s3 worlds) people just found a new broken mid lane champ (riven) that got nerfed after being played on mid. After that, no one saw zed's on mid but riven in everygame. Even if riot stopped patching the game, you'd see changes on team comps because people find the weaknesses in some picks。
  Even though the entire Snake team built to keep the ADC alive, Krystal is a damn good ADC。
  OH MY...lol....Crystal is god...Are we back to S2 now?
  The Snake doubters need to check themselves。
  Holy shit China is crazy, first game Snake get absolutely shit on by EDG with a sub and a Riven and next game they are the ones to shit on EDG with that disguisting but fun to watch Juggermaw
  Really enjoyed this series. Great to see upcoming talent against developed talent in the LPL. Hopefully Snake continues to grow and show up at Worlds what homegrown talent can do with time and the right management.kRYST4L is rapidly approaching world class (WeiXiao, Uzi, NaMei, Imp, Deft status).However, Deft's G1 Corki was the most impressive performance of the series for me. His Corki always seems to do 50% more damage than normal。
  Dat protect the Kog comp, Snake losing by some thousands gold looking like they were stomping with an huge advantage
  lulu, nunu, janna. i'm pretty sure their sole purpose past laning phase is to buff and peel for kog
  Similar champions but the playstyle is different. Pretty much the main thing is that instead of Kog'Maw being a back line nuker he's in the frontline to bait engages but has way to many steroids to keep him from dying while he continuously outputs extreme damage。
  Gotta admit that watching kRYST4L vs Deft was absolutely crazy, they're both insanely good and amazing to watch. Definitely one of the best series of the season this far。
  Lol so much hate against protect the carry comp. Honestly its not the most exciting comp to watch but its not like it has no counterplays like pictured here by some. If you can build up enough of an advantage midgame and pressure around the map the comp struggles to respond properly。

1楼:爻爻(2015-05-25 11:37)

2楼:wjxfoxconn(2015-05-26 00:00)

3楼:cyfjeidri(2015-06-22 09:42)


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