主题:新英雄圣枪游侠 卢锡安背景故事出炉 作者:希望ゝ 时间:2013-07-04 23:00 |
When we took up these weapons, we accepted our mission with pride. Rid Runeterra of evil, they told us. Slay the corrupt. Send the filth of the world crawling back to the hole it crawled out of. Not just anyone can wield these weapons. You need a pure heart. A fearless mind. An inner light that outshines all the darkness in the world. Once I had that light. Now I'm not so sure. Everything changed. We knew our mission was greater than ourselves. The enemy was notwhowe fought, butwhatwe fought. Evil. The Shadow Isles? Just another mess to clean up, just a bunch of ghosts. They were abominations, but nothing we hadn't put in the ground before. Until the day we facedhim.Until the day he ripped her from my life. Now my enemy has a name. She wouldn't want me to come after her--she knew the risks. But I can't forget her. I won't forget her. I'll hunt down the bastard who took her from me and send him straight to the grave. Twice, if I have to. 当我们把这些武器,我们接受了我们的使命与骄傲。摆脱Runeterra邪恶,他们告诉我们的。杀死腐败。发送爬行回到孔爬出藏污纳垢的世界。并不是所有人都能运用这些武器。您需要一个纯净的心。一个无畏的心态。一个内光一枝独秀在世界上所有的黑暗。有一次,我的光。现在我不那么肯定。 一切都改变了。我们知道,我们的使命是比自己还大。敌人是notwhowe战斗,butwhatwe战斗。邪恶。阴影群岛?只是另一个烂摊子清理,只是一群鬼。他们可憎的事,但没有什么我们还没有把之前在地面。直到有一天,我们facedhim.Until一天,他撕开她从我的生活中。 现在,我的敌人都有一个名称。她不希望我来后,她 - 她知道的风险。但我不能忘记她。我不会忘记她。我会追捕谁把她从我的私生子,并送他直截了当的坟墓。 是的,我必须这样做。 (谷歌翻译) ![]() ![]() ![]() |
1楼:旧傷口(2013-07-04 23:04) |
、LOL还没有玩过。。。 |
2楼:雪月华(2013-07-05 11:11) |
武器看起来很诡异,不知道咋样 |
3楼:啊咧啊咧(2013-07-06 11:58) |
这是啥么玩意儿~ |
4楼:796799(2013-07-08 17:16) |
人物故事吗?太少了~~~ |
5楼:推妹机(2013-07-08 17:30) |
这翻译好奇怪。。。 |
6楼:路易斯(2013-07-19 03:15) |
不玩这游戏 |
7楼:chjw(2013-07-19 21:29) |
看上去不错 |
8楼:清风丶(2013-07-24 08:32) |
表示很期待 |
9楼:韩亚熙丶(2013-07-27 09:15) |
这贴不错 ╭━━━━━━━━━━━━━╮ ┃╱╱╱╱╱╱╱╱┏┓╱╱╱┃ ┃╱╱╱┏┓╱╱┏╯┃╱╱╱┃ ┃╱╱┏┛┗┓╱┗┓┃╱╱╱┃ ┃╱╱┗┓┏┛╱╱┃┃╱╱╱┃ ┃╱╱╱┗┛╱╱╱┃┃╱╱╱┃ ┃╱╱╱╱╱╱╱╱┗┛╱╱╱┃ ╰━━━━━━━━━━━━━╯ |
10楼:qq16262289(2013-07-27 17:13) |
呵呵,奇怪啊 |
11楼:vvddan(2013-07-30 04:24) |
水水水水谁谁谁水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水水 |
12楼:zyh78942(2013-07-30 11:51) |
很期待这个ADC |
13楼:3124023zsbb(2013-08-03 09:34) |
谢谢楼主分享,这个帖子不回对不起自己! |
14楼:liuhongji110(2013-08-09 22:15) |
这是啥么玩意儿~ |
15楼:807197267(2013-09-01 21:18) |
打酱油,拿到经验就走人。。刚好15个字。。走人。视乎很不错 |