主题:lol中英雄说的话 作者:qq407097609 时间:2013-04-14 10:33 | |
![]() 邪恶小法师 - 维迦 Know that if the tables were turned, I would show you no mercy 如果我俩角色互换,我会让你看看什么叫残忍! I will swallow your soul! 我会吞掉你的灵魂! Even death trembles in my presence! 即使是死亡,也会因为我的出场而颤抖不已! Give up now! 放弃吧! Even now your loved ones suffer! 你的亲友们正在饱受折磨! I can see the fear in your heart! 我能看见你内心的恐惧! Your soul will come to serve me! 你的灵魂将会供我驱使! I am evil! Stop laughing! 我是魔鬼!不许笑! I will rise again, more powerful than you can ever imagine 我……还会…以你无法想象……的强大姿态…再次苏醒的…… What's black and blue and is about to show you the definition of pain? 看清楚了!我可不是《最终梦想》里的黑魔导士! I smell death 我闻到死亡的气息了! Yes! Hahahaha 是啊!哈哈哈哈哈! Stuck in prey again? 又在祈祷了么? Suffering awaits! 苦难与折磨在等着你呢! The magic! It calls to me! 魔法!它在召唤我! Your commands tire me 你的命令让我厌倦!! It's only a short way and it's not a short joke 捷径只有一条,我不是在说笑! You deny the darkness in your soul, you deny your power! 在你否定了灵魂中的黑暗面的同时,你的力量也被一起否定了! ![]() 猩红收割者 - 弗拉基米尔 Wonderful 好极了! My cup is half empty. 我的杯子已经空了一半。 The clot thickens. 血块变厚了。 Please, let it all out. 请让它们(鲜血)都流出来吧! Let's pool our efforts. 让我们合伙干吧! I'm absolutely livid. 我的肤色确实很苍白。 Trickling progress. 血液正在慢慢滴落。 A vital decision 一次重大的抉择。 A harvest moon, so aptly named. 收获之月,多美妙的名字啊。 I've got you…under my skin. 我觉得……你让我很不爽。 I'd love a pint. 我非常乐意来那么一品脱血 Hmm, something is leaking. 恩恩,有些东西正在流出来。 Deliciously vein. 可口的静脉。 I'm a universal recipient. 每一种血型我都可以接受。 Care to make a donation? 愿意送我点血吗? A draining exercise. 一次吮吸练习。 I love a warrior with heart, never a stale moment. 我喜欢有心脏的勇士,并且绝对不会让他们过期。 You look like someone who's got a lot going on beneath the surface. 你看上去血量充沛,要当心哟。 Go ahead, B negative, you'll be just my type. 很多人都说我是吸血鬼,但你看,其实我并不讨厌阳光,相反,我还经常在白天打架呢! The rivers will run red. 血流成河! ![]() 嗜血猎手 - 沃里克 记得选择狼人时候那句:这局胜负已定么? This ends now 这局胜负已定。 Yes 是。 I hunger 我饿了。 It's only fun if they run 他们逃跑了,我才有乐子。 It's time to hunt 狩猎的时候到了。 I'll feast on their bones 我会尽情享受他们的骨头的。 I smell their stench 我闻到他们的臭味了。 I almost feel... Human 我觉得我……变回人类了…… All the better to eat you with, my dear "我真不认识什么阿鲁高!我可是土生土长的鲁因特纳(Runeterra)人!" Yes 是。 Mmmhh... Delicious! 恩……你们的肉非常可口。 ![]() 德邦总管 - 赵信 To the arena! 长枪依然在!/铁甲依然在! Fate has made its choice. 命运已做出了它的选择! Do not bore me 请不要烦我! Press the assault! 陷阵之志,有死无生! Justice is at hand! 正义在我手中。 Perish with honor. 荣耀与毁灭同在。 Their lives are forfeit. 他们的生命已被依法剥夺。 Here’s a tip…and a spear behind it. 一点寒芒先到...随后枪出如龙! Find me an immovable object, and I'll put this question to rest. 没有人能够突破我的枪围!! My King commands. 奉吾王之命! Ask not what Demacia can do for you, but what it will do if you're in the way. 在问德玛西亚能给你什么好处之前,请先关心一下你挡路的下场。 It shall be done. 交给我了! To triumph! 即将凯旋! The warrior's spirit is never broken. 勇士之魂,从未破灭。 A Demacian does not retreat. 德玛西亚人从不退缩! Victory calls! 胜利在呼唤! Always forward! 勇往直前! Sound the march! 击鼓,进军! Only actions truly speak. 只有行动才能说明一切。 I may be outnumbered, but not even the odds can stand against me. 即使敌众我寡,末将亦能万军丛中取敌将首级! | |
1楼:▓夏汐(2013-04-14 15:18) | |
神马东西啊 | |
2楼:d473322079(2013-04-15 12:12) | |
最喜欢赏金的 | |
3楼:高血压(2013-04-18 00:34) | |
有没有薇恩的话》? | |
4楼:ddmyzz(2013-05-03 18:47) | |
谢谢楼主分享,这个帖子不回对不起自己![懒人回复] | |
5楼:qq1072220342(2013-05-06 21:26) | |
我爱九尾 |