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主题:【forever at your feet】
时间:2012-04-16 04:05


Knocking on the triad

A boat that makes for rain
A briar grows in twain with roses
Come to rid
Forever at your feet

Glass and pinch of breast
Knocking at my tray
While leave on
Please take me home my long to leave
Forever at your feet

And I hope that you won’t mind, my dear
When you see my eyes are lie, my dear
It’s because I avoided all these of you
All your kisses, sweeter than mint
And touch them
Softer than sea
Oh, treasure
I would be~~~
Forever at your feet

1楼:路易斯(2012-04-16 04:50)

2楼:钱委(2012-04-25 17:14)


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