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本贴由: 中华游戏网 会员: ★蛇蛇★ 发表于: 2011-01-23 13:16 共10639人围观 3人回复
金属枪3胳膊的呼喊(Metal Gun 3: Shout of the Arms)是一款以军事射击为题材的2D格斗游戏。
Metal Gun III – The unusual 2D fighting game, where heroes Weigh cuffs each other not only with hands and feet, but with pistols, submachine guns, bazookas and fall asleep various explosives. Rides his bike, the tank, turn into a helicopter and still unknown in that. This game is about how cool Schmahl of all trunks and obezbashenno worn on stage. The most important detail: each weapon gradually end the cartridges, forcing, you are recharged during the battle, if only there, in reserve store (recharge on a separate button). Among the characters in the game whom 11 Grab-heads – a robot – a transformer that can transform into a helicopter, Mr. X – a file with a gun twice as long as they grow up, soldier Jin-prone shelling, kibernindzya, saboteur with a laser sight on the gun, tank on tank, futuristic Eraser and other equally attractive personality.

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