🔔 管理提醒: 本帖被 代号丶 执行压帖操作(2013-07-01)
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发现GM不能互相看到 发布方法 ahm@ +/2 fm'Qifq^ maplecharacter.java X&({`Uw<K 查找: j?P8&Fm< getMap().broadcastMessage(this, MaplePacketCreator.removePlayerFromMap(getId()), false); !_=3Dz 替换为: }5sJd>u5^ getMap().broadcastNonGmMessage(this, MaplePacketCreator.removePlayerFromMap(getId())); xnG,1doa ========================== (Y?"L_pC maplemap.java 9-N*Jhg 查找: w7X], auRC /** D3-H!TFpDb * Broadcasts the given packet to everyone on the map but the source. source = null Broadcasts to everyone )qx,>PL * w(vda0 * @param source X8=sk * @param packet Gv zw=~8 在前面加上 N}j^55M_] public void broadcastNonGmMessage(MapleCharacter source, MaplePacket packet) { 2j7e@pr synchronized (characters) { $NhKqA`0 for (MapleCharacter chr : characters) { R?$Nl if (chr != source && (!chr.isGM() || !chr.isHidden())) chr.getClient().getSession().write(packet); IBr|A } cakb.Q } =o+))R4 }
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