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Dance like theres no tomorrow -Paula Abdul

中华游戏网 cnyouw写于:中华游戏网-CNYOUW 👧会员:芒果の沙拉 🕘时间:2010-09-09 10:02 👀围观:14988人 💬回复:1
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Dance like theres no tomorrow -Paula Abdul
Paula Abdul于1962年6月19日出生于美国加利福尼亚,她从小就喜爱跳舞,后来又修读过专业舞蹈。她曾是一名出色的舞蹈编排家,为 Michael Jackson 兄弟和 Janet Jackson作过舞蹈设计,Jackson等人的劲舞有不少都出自她的编排。2002年,宝拉复出娱乐圈,担任美国电视台福斯广播公司的电视节目《美国偶像》的评判,由第一季担任至第八季。在《美国偶像》的三位评判中,宝拉是最留情的一位。 第九季Paula正式退出美国偶像。
宝拉·阿巴杜( Paula Abdul(宝拉.阿巴杜)
Paula Abdul)。   但Paula Abdul没有满足于此。 她又把自己发展的方向定在了流行乐坛。1989年,她推出了自己首张专辑《Forever Your Gi-rl》,立即轰动了美国乐坛。专辑中有四首歌曲先后登上了Billboard 排行榜的榜首位置,其成绩可谓相当出色。次年她又把这些歌曲经过混音制作重新发行,专辑推出后有多首歌曲成为了DISCO 舞厅的热门歌曲。本是舞蹈出身的Paula Abdul 对于舞曲风格的音乐自是得心应手。1991年,Paula Abdul又推出了专辑《Spellbound》。专辑再次大获成功,远远超过了白金销量。其中的一首歌曲“Rush Rush” 再次登上了榜首位置,并在1991年的Billboard 单曲销量排行榜中位居第三。Paula Abdul 的歌曲大多走的是强节奏的情歌路线。她那优美动听的歌声和全情投入的舞蹈具有着极其出色的感染力,为她赢得了众多的听众。对于喜爱舞曲风格的音乐的朋友们来说,Paula Abdul是一个极好的选择。   早年生活   宝拉在加州的旧金山出生,父母早年离异,宝拉有犹太人的血统。从小起宝拉就在学校及舞团里学习舞技。她曾任NBA洛杉矶湖人队的啦啦队队员,宝拉17岁时更担任该啦啦队的编舞指导。

 在1987年宝拉很明智的拿出3万美元灌注了一张专辑《Forever Your Girl》,第三支单曲《Straight Up》(即甄楚倩名作“今天天气呵呵呵”原版)名直奔排行榜冠军宝座。之后连续三支单曲《Forever Your Girl》、《Cold Hearted》、《Opposites Attract》成功地登上了榜首,宝拉成为第一位首张专辑便有四首冠军单曲的流行歌手。1989年的MTV音乐大奖,大放异彩的《Straight Up》一口气为宝拉夺下《最佳编舞》、《最佳舞曲》、《最佳女艺人》、《最佳剪辑》等四项年度大奖;《Forever Your Girl》至今已是销售超过千万的多白金唱片专辑。   

All I wanna do is stay right here on the floor
Get lost in the night
And dance like there's no tomorrow
Don't care about the sunrise
Somebody please just hit the lights
All I wanna do is dance like there's no tomorrow

Today just wasn't my day
Everyone's getting me so fed up
I've gotta find a way
I know what can make me feel better
Stepping out in my best
Looking hotter than ever
Wherever the party is
That's where I'll be in a second

I'm so ready to move my body
Forget about all my problems
When I hear that song
I'ma lose control
Hey, here I go

All I wanna do is stay right here on the floor
Get lost in the night
And dance like there's no tomorrow
Don't care about the sunrise
Somebody please just hit the lights
All I wanna do is dance like there's no tomorrow

I'm loving the atmosphere
Feels like I'm floating in heaven
The music's all in my ear
Taking over me
My heart's racing
Feeling so Hollywood
How I got everybody staring

Their eyes are the cameras
And I'm loving all the attention

Get up, 'bout to move my body
Forget about all my problems
They're playing my song
I'ma lose control
Hey, here I go

All I wanna do is stay right here on the floor
Get lost in the night
And dance like there's no tomorrow
Don't care about the sunrise
Somebody please just hit the lights
All I wanna do is dance like there's no tomorrow

Please DJ
Don't say it's the last call
Cause I know what it means
And I don't want you to play no slow song
I'm still building the nerve to talk to that guy
Just give me another song and make it right

All I wanna do is stay right here on the floor
Get lost in the night
And dance like there's no tomorrow
Don't care about the sunrise
Somebody please just hit the lights
All I wanna do is dance like there's no tomorrow

All I wanna do is stay right here on the floor
Get lost in the night
And dance like there's no tomorrow
Don't care about the sunrise
Somebody please just hit the lights
All I wanna do is dance like there's no tomorrow

[ 此帖被susie在2010-09-14 21:10重新编辑 ]
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