步骤2 时候的错误:
!B3lsXLSY Loaded protocol [AionGameServerNew v1] from (Aion-v1.xml)
>xt*( j&} Loaded protocol [AionGameServerNew v2] from (Aion-v2.xml)
#`0iN+qh WARNING: More then one packet in familly 'null' with id 0x1a (1A SM_WAIT_LIST && 1A SM_SYSTEM_MESSAGE)
9#;UQ.qA Loaded protocol [AionGameServer v0] from (Aion.xml)
r2*'5jk_ Loaded protocol [Login] from (login.xml)
rGe^$!QB ERROR: You are missing the JPcap lib :
3[jk}2R';p Z:\packetsamurai\Jpcap.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
42m}c1R cs%NsnZ 应该咋解决?