win7 64位亲测 打开虚拟机时出现一个提示框显示
t7pFW^& This virtual machine is configured for 64-bit guest operating systems. However, 64-bit operation is not possible.
TrNF=x> t:S+%u U This host supports Intel VT-x, but Intel VT-x is disabled.
jCY%| #G3<7PK Intel VT-x might be disabled if it has been disabled in the BIOS/firmware settings or the host has not been power-cycled since changing this setting.
z{543~Og59 gIfh3 D=yX (1) Verify that the BIOS/firmware settings enable Intel VT-x and disable 'trusted execution.'
Pfh mo $ IgzQr > (2) Power-cycle the host if either of these BIOS/firmware settings have been changed.
<%^&2UMg YR70BOxK (3) Power-cycle the host if you have not done so since installing VMware Workstation.
'R)Tn!6 xLE)/}y_7H (4) Update the host's BIOS/firmware to the latest version.
6b,V;#Anj rjP/l6
~' For more detailed information, see 7^Uv7<pw h;Qk@F yu|>t4#GT 百度翻译
>l m&iF3y 这个虚拟机配置为64位客人操作系统。然而,64位操作是不可能的。
N mG# 这个主机支持英特尔VT-x,但英特尔VT-x被禁用。
0]L"H<W 英特尔VT-x可能被禁用,如果它在BIOS /固件设置或主机被禁用没有权限更改此设置。
K:M8h{Ua (1)确认BIOS /固件设置启用和禁用英特尔VT-x的可信执行。”
8|^7ai[am (2)主机电源周期如果这些BIOS /固件设置已经改变。
y7{?Ip4[ (3)主机电源周期如果你还没有这样做,因为安装VMware工作站。
IBGrt^$M (4)更新主机的BIOS /固件升级到最新版本。
"MsIjSu 更详细的信息,参见 = 152。
l] vm=7: /1 dT+> 求lz解释